SharePoint for Beginners


Learn how to use SharePoint as your centralized file storage. Find out how SharePoint relates to Teams and OneDrive.

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Live Training via Zoom March 18 and 25 at 1:30 PM (Mountain Standard Time – MST).

Prerequisite: Basic understanding of file management. Access to Microsoft 365.

Are you trying to share files with others in your organization? Interested in reducing email traffic and making everything centralized? If you have Microsoft 365, then use SharePoint for ‘sharing’ (don’t use OneDrive).

What you will learn:

  • What is SharePoint and how does it compare to Teams and OneDrive
  • How to create and navigate within a SharePoint site
  • How to upload documents and folders
  • How to share with others
  • Why metadata makes SharePoint the best choice for file management and organization

Once you purchase your seat in the training, you will be sent a Zoom link to attend the session. After the training, you will receive a link to the recording of this session so that you can review it on your own time, at your own pace. This link is meant for one person, it cannot be shared with others. The link will be valid for one month after the date of the training.