Learn how to use find & replace for quick editing. Discover how creating templates can increase productivity. Find out about using styles for fast & consistent formatting. Understand how to create or adjust a table.
Live Training via Zoom March 9 and 16 at 2:00 PM (Mountain Standard Time – MST).
Self-taught on Microsoft Word? Want to create more professional documents faster?
What you will learn:
- Creating Templates to Increase Productivity
- Using Styles for Fast & Consistent Formatting
- Creating a Table of Contents with ease
- Creating a Fill In Form
Once you purchase your seat in the training, you will be sent a Zoom link to attend the session. After the training, you will receive a link to the recording of this session so that you can review it on your own time, at your own pace. This link is meant for one person, it cannot be shared with others. The link will be valid for one month after the date of the training.