Working from Home

Is working from home new to you?  Have you been able to adjust?

Or are you a veteran at working from home, like I am 🙂

I have been working from home since 2002.  Although I often go to my client’s offices to teach and consult, home is the best work space for me.

With no regrets, I made the switch to be in a home office environment when my first daughter was 2 years old.  I wanted to be closer to her and more available. 

My office is organized, professional while homey and has glass doors

One of my fondest memories (after adding daughter number two to the mix!) is when the girls were little and while I would work, I’d always find myself with a smile as I would hear them run down the hall to my office.

They’d peer thru the door with their noses and mouths squished against the glass.

It was hard sometimes to not get distracted.

Are you feeling distracted when working from home?  Can you get more done or does it seem like less is getting done?

I think it can go either way.  It probably depends on the day and what is happening around you.  These days a lot is happening.

Here are some tips to stay focused:

  • Be sure to set a schedule for your work during the day.  Do this on a Sunday afternoon, or over coffee early Monday morning. It will help make your days and entire week run more efficiently. 
  • Take breaks (with any loved ones in the house – including pets) and communicate these break times to everyone so they know they get to see more of you. 
  • Set regular work hours, I know for me… I can let my office hours be 24/7. That’s not living. Work your normal 8-10 hour day or whatever you’re used to and when it’s quitting time it’s quitting time. These are times for us to be far more present in our homes than we’ve ever been. 

 Let’s make the most of this time.

Oh! and if you have a team of people that you are communicating with… 

Check out the free 3 part video series I created that focuses on:

  • Microsoft Teams,
  • OneNote,
  • OneDrive and
  • SharePoint.

Get everything organized, implemented and set up right!

Check out the full Training Project so that you can successfully move your Team to the best collaborative technology possible!

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