The Biggest Lie in Computer Training

Take a course and you will learn exactly what you need to know about that software.

This is a lie.


Hmmm… How can I say this as someone who offers computer training?

Me… tapping my pen against my teeth. 

Well, have you ever been a student, enrolled in a course and thought as you were entering the class that you had about a 6 out of 10 handle on the basics?

But then, when you started that course, maybe it was in the first hour

or during the first day of training,

You soon realized that you were not a 6 out of 10, but a 3 out of 10? What?!

You may have felt like… WOW I know nothing or there is so much to learn…

How did the training make you seem like you knew less?

And with that my friend… You became part of the Learning Dip.

Don't Know What You Don't know

You didn’t know how much you didn’t know.

So walking in you thought you knew more… and QUICKLY found that you… in fact, knew less.

No worries.

 We can fix this!

As an instructor I try to forewarn my students that this will happen, so they are not too surprised.

Then I work with them to get them out of the dip.

Getting Out of the Dip

How do you get out of the learning dip?

  • Gain experience with the technology

o    take the training at your own pace,

o    practice what you have learned,

o    implement what you have learned in your own world,

o    don’t be afraid to ask questions, and

o    don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

  • Be clear on your objectives and goals

o    Ask the questions relevant to these objectives

o    Learn what you need to so that you can achieve all that you set out to (that might mean taking more than the 1 course you initially thought).

With experience, practice and patience you will get out of the learning dip.  This could take hours or longer (depending on the learning objectives).

You and your team can be out of this learning dip much faster if you have the proper coach and trainer on your side. 

That is why we encourage training assessments and welcome calls with all of our students.  We want to know more about you, what you know, and what your objectives are, before training starts.

Then we can map out the right path and take you through the learning dip so fast that in some cases you don’t know you were even there.

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