The Beginner's Guide to OneNote The Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to OneNote: Mastering Notetaking and OrganizationThe Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to OneNote: Mastering Notetaking and OrganizationWelcome to the comprehensive Beginner's Guide to OneNote. In this guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of Microsoft OneNote, a versatile notetaking application designed to help you capture, organize, and share … Continue reading Beginners Guide to OneNote
Best practices for OneNote
Best Practices for OneNote Adopting best practices for OneNote will elevate this application to one of the best tools in your toolkit. The way you structure your notes, seamlessly incorporate files and images, and effortlessly share notebooks can truly make a significant impact.OneNote will transform the way you take notes. Say goodbye to conventional methods … Continue reading Best practices for OneNote
Frequently Asked Questions about OneNote
What is Microsoft OneNote? OneNote is a digital notebook application. This app allows you to take notes, organize information, and collaborate with others. It is available as a free application for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android devices, as well as a web-based version. OneNote is part of the Microsoft Office suite. OneNote integrates with other Office applications, such as Outlook and Teams.
50 plus ways to use OneNote
Have you started to use OneNote yet? Let me help you Work Smarter with Microsoft OneNote. Here is some inspiration for all the ways you can use OneNote.
3 ways to Work Smarter with OneNote
Get rid of loose papers, attach emails, pictures, documents and more. Find out 3 easy ways to make OneNote a smarter solution.
Password Protection in OneNote
If you are sharing a notebook with others you could password protect a section of that notebook. Then you can choose whether you share the password with any of those people that already have shared access to that notebook. This way you are creating a private area for sensitive information, within your shared notebook.
Feeling distracted …
Working from Home Is working from home new to you? Have you been able to adjust? Or are you a veteran at working from home, like I am 🙂 I have been working from home since 2002. Although I often go to my client's offices to teach and consult, home is the best work space … Continue reading Feeling distracted …