Mission Blog

When is the Right Time to Call for Help?

"It's not working!" "This doesn't make any sense" "Why does this have to be so complicated.." How often have you said this out loud as you worked on your computer or phone? Is the tech struggle real? When do you ask for help with your Tech / technology / computer / phone? Do you call … Continue reading When is the Right Time to Call for Help?

You Should KNOW this by now…

Expected to know everything. Have you ever been thrown into a new situation at work where you were just expected to know everything? With the Pandemic crisis and everyone being forced to work from home or work remotely, I think some employers may have assumed it would be an easy transition for people. Technology is … Continue reading You Should KNOW this by now…

Why do we keep other people’s stuff (emails)?

In coaching an Outlook student this was a question I asked. We were discussing email that he was holding onto… I asked him “why do you have a folder entitled ‘Fred’, is he your boss or direct staff?”“No”, he replied.“Is this communication concerning work you are responsible for?”“No, it's emails that Fred sends me (or I … Continue reading Why do we keep other people’s stuff (emails)?