How to save your files in Microsoft Teams
What is OneDrive?
What is Microsoft OneDrive? Is it Free? How much can you save into OneDrive, can you share files with others? All these questions answered.
You Should KNOW this by now…
Expected to know everything. Have you ever been thrown into a new situation at work where you were just expected to know everything? With the Pandemic crisis and everyone being forced to work from home or work remotely, I think some employers may have assumed it would be an easy transition for people. Technology is … Continue reading You Should KNOW this by now…
7 Reasons why Teams will Change Your Life
Believe it or not, ‘changing your life’ at work with Teams can certainly change your life at home. Setting up Microsoft Teams is key to have this change your life for the better!
Where would you use Microsoft Teams?
Where to use Teams
Feeling distracted …
Working from Home Is working from home new to you? Have you been able to adjust? Or are you a veteran at working from home, like I am 🙂 I have been working from home since 2002. Although I often go to my client's offices to teach and consult, home is the best work space … Continue reading Feeling distracted …
Will On-line Training Work?
I don’t have time for computer training, I have a job to do! It may or may not surprise you how often people have said that to me. It’s truly a catch-22 situation. People can’t afford to take time and dedicate it to learning more efficient and time-saving ways to use the software they use … Continue reading Will On-line Training Work?